Who are your heroes in real life?
“The consumer.”
For all of us trying to innovate, trying to muster a fraction of Bowie’s creativity, searching for product that we can bring to market that will really make a difference to people’s lives, striving to find a way of communicating in a compelling and meaningful way, that is something to hold on to.
Our consumers really are our heroes. They sift our wheat from our chaff. They take our half formed, ill shaped, early products and they show us how to make them wonderful. They suffer our bugs. They shrug off our vanity features and guide us to something that will be of real value.
All we have to do is keep asking the questions. We just have to keep an open mind. We just have to keep wondering. Which is why there were two answers that jumped out at me, here is the other.
What is your motto?
“What” is my motto.